“It’s Not Lost” chosen for collaborative Poetry Partners project at The Skeptic’s Kaddish

I’m pleased and honored to let you know my poem “It’s Not Lost” has been chosen for a Poetry Partners collaboration on The Skeptic’s Kaddish website. Many thanks to David Bogomolny for including my poem in his collaborative project. Please check out David’s blog to read the collaboration here. David is a prolific and amazingly talented poet whose work I admire, and I’m sure you will, too. Thanks, David! 🙂

74 thoughts on ““It’s Not Lost” chosen for collaborative Poetry Partners project at The Skeptic’s Kaddish

    1. Many thanks for the kind words. David’s blog definitely has a lot of interesting, quality writing on it. I really enjoy his collaborative initiatives and I’m fortunate to have had two of my poems selected for his Poetry Projects feature. Thanks for checking it out. 🙂

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    1. Thanks a bunch, Terveen. So happy to know you enjoyed this collaboration. When I found out this morning that David had responded to my poem, I was pretty stoked and checked it out immediately. It’s a thrill, for sure, to be included in his Poetry Projects feature. I’m grateful to him for his kindness, and thankful for yours, as well. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Jeff. I was thrilled indeed when David sent me the notification today. He has such a deft touch when it comes to collaborations. I really enjoyed the one he did with you a few months ago. It’s a fun experience and serves to strengthen the WP writing community, I think. 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much. I did have images of the sea in my mind when I wrote my poem. The girl in question lived in Singapore, so yeah, a vast ocean’s gulf lay between the two of us. Sometimes that siren’s song is just too hard to resist, I suppose. The imagery of dusk settling on the ocean is such a sad, empty feeling for me. I spent time in Oregon many years ago and I recall the sunsets on the Pacific…so beautiful yet incredibly sorrowful at the same time. The poignancy was never lost on me, I guess you could say. 🙂

      I’m getting by. I go through periods when things get worse, but that’s par for the course when it comes to major depression. I have to let it run its course and keep pressing on, but it does mean I sort of disappear for a while, sort of hunker down to ride out the storm. Thanks so much for your kind sentiments. 🙂

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  1. Congratulations, Mike👍🙂 I read your poem before and truly loved it💕 it’s really beautiful🙂 .. and i loved the poem written by David too, in response to yours. Wise and beautiful!! Amazing collaboration👍 thumbs up!!🙂

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    1. Many thanks, Saima, for your kindness. It’s a pleasure to have my poem included in a collaboration with David. His response poems are so thoughtful and profound. It’s definitely a highlight of my blogging experience. 🙂

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      1. No doubt, Mike🙂 it is, indeed, a wonderful collaboration between you two, a quality work is always appreciated, and readers also like it.. As far as David is concerned, i had read his poem in response to a poem by Grace, that was also too good. So you are very right, Mike, he has a thoughtful and wise insight and his way of responding to good poems is profound. Your poetry deserves a better appreciation, Mike.. i have read many of your poems and each one left me speechless, your selection of words is so remarkable. I wish you more such wonderful collaborations in future, dear Mike👍🙂 and more success👍🙂 All the best!!

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  2. Dear Mike,

    Your poem “It’s Not Lost” being chosen for a Poetry Partners collaboration on The Skeptic’s Kaddish website is indeed both a dedication to and acknowledgement of your poetic flair and contributions over the years. Such a milestone is not to be trivialized, unheeded or forgotten. I would hereby like to commend and congratulate you.

    I would like to inform you that there are other creative ways for two poets to interact. You might be very interested to know that I have also been involved in collaborative poetry. There are two examples. The first can be demonstrated by my post entitled “🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜”, available at

    🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜

    Usually, poets do not bother to explain how they have composed their poems. However, I occasionally make a very good effort at explaining the inner workings of my poems, especially in this said post. I welcome your feedback there.

    Yours sincerely,

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    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful words, SoundEagle. I’m so appreciative of your kindness. I’ve visited your blog many times and am incredibly impressed with the quality and presentation of your work. Your efforts result in some amazing art. I was fascinated by your deep-dive into the creative decisions behind your poem linked in your comment. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes when we create. I’ve always loved learning what makes people tick–especially artistic people–so these glimpses into the creative process are captivating. Many thanks for your comments here and I shall return to your blog and comment there as well. 🙂

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      1. Dear Mike,

        Yet another way to collaborate is to compose a poem for someone else’s blog post. If you would like to do so for one or any number of my posts, simply submit your poem(s) as a comment to the respective comment section(s) of your chosen post(s) on my blog. I shall then perform some “magic” so that your collaborative poem(s) will be featured in my respective post(s) with bespoke stylings (and perhaps even illustrations and/or animations). You can then reblog each of these posts (using the “Reblog” button available in the post) to show your followers and readers your fine poetry and how your poems have been incorporated by me.

        Yours sincerely,

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  3. Dear Mike,

    The second example of collaborative poetry is far more elaborate and expansive, insofar as one of my best English poems, which has a tetrapartite structure and is fully illustrated and also dynamically animated, has been translated into Chinese by a very talented bilingual poet, who has taken on the challenge in stages. In general, when someone has mastered Chinese to a very high level, they will even be able to translate a rhyming English poem into a Chinese poem that also rhymes! This is very difficult to achieve, as most translators dealing with any language(s) do not have the ability to ensure that the poem also rhymes perfectly in another language when translated.

    You can see this highly successful example of translating poem at one of my posts, which is entitled “If My Name Were Moon Tonight… (假如今夜我的名字叫月亮…)“, and is available at

    🌕🎴 假如今夜我的名字叫月亮… (If My Name Were Moon Tonight…) 🌛🌝🎑🈷

    Happy mid-August to you!

    Yours sincerely,

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    1. This comment drew my attention immediately when I read on your blog that Northern Elm translated your poem “If My Name Were Moon Tonight…” Northern Elm has been a visitor to my blog and has left some profoundly insightful comments on my poetry. I have a deep and abiding respect and admiration for Northern Elm’s poetry and it always leaves me in a contemplative state of mind. So, yes, I was delighted to discover Northern Elm did the translation of your poetry. 🙂 I watched the video of your creation and while my deafness left me unable to appreciate the music, the visuals are stunning. What a wonderful piece! 🙂 Such a collaborative effort–the translation of a poem from one language into another–would be such an intriguing and satisfying project, and one I hope to experience someday. Congratulations to both you and Northern Elm on your project! 🙂

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      1. Dear Mike,

        I am delighted by your feedback. Thank you very much. I would be very grateful if you would kindly leave a comment in my post entitled “If My Name Were Moon Tonight… (假如今夜我的名字叫月亮…)” as a token of your visit. You are very welcome to copy and paste some or all of your previous reply as part of your forthcoming comment to be submitted to the comment section of the post, to which your esteemed reply clearly pertains and also belongs. Please feel free to expand on your comment if you have additional matters to convey about the post and any salient aspects of its contents. Thank you in anticipation.

        Yours sincerely,

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    1. Many thanks, Daphny. It’s good to see you again, too! I have some catching up to do but want to say here that I’m incredibly excited about your new book and so proud of you. It will be on my bookshelf very soon! 🙂

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      1. You’re most welcome, Mike! You have a lot catching up to do my friend haha… By the way hoping to see your photography’s again soon. 😊
        Aww.. Thank you so so much, that really meant a lot. 😇

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    1. Thank you kindly, Friedrich! It’s a joy to be a part of a collaboration of any kind. There’s a human connection that occurs and it has a synergistic effect, creating a completely new experience. I’m so glad you enjoyed these poems and I truly appreciate your kind words. 🙂

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    1. Thanks, Diana. It’s an honor to be included in a collaboration with David. His poetic prowess and compassionate thoughtfulness make anything he writes a beautiful experience to read. So glad to know you enjoyed these poems. 🙂

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