
Image (c) Mike Utley

Here you’ll find essays regarding my experience as a deaf guy caught between the hearing and deaf cultures. It’s a netherworld filled with action and adventure (meh…not really), mystery and romance (oh, please…), suspense and…well, actually it’s a frustrating place to be, isolated and lonely. Writing about it helps, and hopefully people in both worlds can learn a little about what life is like as a Silent Pariah, and develop tolerance, compassion and acceptance for deaf folks along the way.


Current Archive

“An Introduction”

“The Deaf Guy”

“Service Dogs, Rabbit Hutches and ASL Humiliation: My Introduction to Deaf Culture”

“Coda: Farewell to a Dream”

“The Obligatory Deaf Dos and Don’ts Post”

“Burden of Proof: The Damning Consequences of Skepticism”

“The Darker Side of Hearing Loss”

“Any Deaf Writers Out There?”