“I Did This” published at Gobblers by Masticadores

I’d like to announce my poem “I Did This” has been published at Gobblers By Masticadores. A big thank you to Manuela Timofte and her staff for this opportunity to share my poetry with their readers—it’s always an honor and I’m truly grateful. Thanks, Manuala!

“I Did This”
© 2012 by Michael L. Utley

“I did this
A handful of fear and feathers
The black eye of God
A handful of blood and feathers
I did this

A tiny universe
Gasping for breath
Grasping for death
Stopped cold
By the golden orb of fate…”

You can read the rest of my poem by clicking this link. Also, don’t forget to follow and subscribe to Gobblers By Masticadores, where you’ll find some wonderful writing and plenty of food for thought.

14 thoughts on ““I Did This” published at Gobblers by Masticadores

  1. Congrats, Mike!! I really enjoyed how the formatting changed it almost to like old scrolls reading on the poets websites and stuff when I would study up on the classics and classical. I think it has a very bridge format with echo and radiance to it. Very Classical French. Almost how Tess D’Ubervilles is written. I like it!! Keep sharing some old vault poems of yours, why don’t ya😄😄☺


    1. Thanks, Sam. Funny thing is, I don’t like the physical format change. I always align my poetry justified against the left margin. I just never cared for alternate formats. It just looks awkward to me. I’ve almost run out of my “vault poems.” Two left to publish, then it’ll have to be new stuff after that (if I’m able to write anything again).

      Thanks for the kindness, my friend. 😊

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      1. Ooooh this is quite interesting, My Friend. I find it hard to stick on archives. Perhaps that’s why I rely on archives in titles 🤭 either way, some ideas just flow. I always try to encourage others by hopefully saying “You already know the story you want to write. It’s just the speed to get it done.” Typing away or carpal tunnel from writing it on paper. I used to write books under authorship and scholarships only on paper with Dixon black Ticonderoga for that smooth smooth .9 velvety font. (HB7 for the win!!🤓) Now I have mismatched colorful pen sets of about 8 full journals from 2017-2022 that sit in “cafe-chaos-too lazy to put the books up” array. When it was so pretty before a few months ago (x3 times ago changing my room around) but what can ya do and look towards the new. I end up making all my lil tunes in my head into a song. Which is mostly vertigo and nerve endings firing off or burning.. welp at least they make cool poems, then they become songs. Then it becomes something else. I support you in this a lot, Friend. You were on such a hot streak when I was trying to get serious last winter on WP. Either way, I think you’re gonna kill it, Mike. Everything in Sequences 😄 a little sleep and rest to cure the physical exhaustion and mental fatigue doesn’t hurt either!! haha 😊. (nor does the rough draft process, I’m js. Allowance to work towards a Full-Idea not just a Main-idea is a tip I have to scream into consciousness often, to make it work as a writer lolllz)

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    1. Thanks, trE. This one is based on an event that occurred when I was about ten years old and stupidly thought it was fun to shoot birds with a BB gun. It was then that I realized I had no right to wantonly kill anything. Watching that sparrow dying in agony in the palm of my ten-year-old hand was horrifying, and its suffering was all my fault. I had done this, and I couldn’t take it back, and all these years later the memory still pops up now and again.

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      1. It’s a memory/event that made you a better person. You can now recognize pain and suffering before it happens. Thanks for sharing the poem and the reason behind it. 🙏🏾💙

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  2. A “Me gusto” over here, too! Congrats, Mike. This dire-bird-moment is also how and why Walt Disney came to be known by us all. He “did this” too, as a boy, and tried to make up for it by bringing many other birds and animals to (animated) life. Anyway, it’s a great poem, and I hope you will indeed be able to create more.


  3. You always surprise me Mike… you know I have been reading you for a while and trip out a lot with the experiences and your views. It is positive also you have a kind of peculiar way of expressing yourself and getting the atention. I am happy that you are at Masticadores and gobblers. When you can come visit us in Brasil, it is a pleasure to see you there.

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