Featured Blogger of the Week at Mitch Teemley’s “The Power of Story” Blog

I’m delighted to let you know I’ve been selected as Featured Blogger of the Week on Mitch Teemley’s The Power of Story blog. I’m humbled and honored that Mitch has chosen my poem “The Cairn” to highlight this week. Many thanks to Mitch for his kindness. I hope you’ll visit his blog and read his post by clicking this link. If you’ve never visited The Power of Story, you’re in for a real treat. Mitch’s posts are deep and humorous and incredibly uplifting, and include plenty of food for thought. Thanks again, Mitch! 🙂

36 thoughts on “Featured Blogger of the Week at Mitch Teemley’s “The Power of Story” Blog

    1. Thanks so much, Lauren. Mitch has a cool blog and it’s definitely an honor to be his featured blogger of the week. Thank you for your kind support, my friend. It means so much to me. 🙂


  1. Congratulations, Mike! You deserve all the recognition. Mitch’s blog is awesome! I love your utterly impressive poem. As always. The line, “I could see you fading” despite being immensely melancholic, beautifully and powerfully ties the entire poetic masterpiece together!

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    1. Hey, Aaysid! *waves* Thanks so much for your always delightful and deeply appreciated comments. I’m pleased to know you liked this piece. That one particular line you mentioned really is the linchpin of this poem. And it haunts me. Throughout our lives, the one constant is that we will lose things–people, relationships, hope, freedom, love, etc.–and that’s what this poem is about. Witnessing the death of a person or a relationship is a terribly sorrowful part of life, but it happens to all of us. Things fade into oblivion and we’re left holding nothing but memories…

      And yes, Mitch is a super-cool dude and I’m honored to have been featured on his blog for a second time. It really made my day, for sure. 🙂

      Hope you’re doing well, my friend. Thanks again for such a kind appraisal. Much appreciated. 🙂

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      1. Hey, Mike! 😊✨️I am doing well, thank you. I hope you are doing great, as well. It is my pleasure. I am a huge fan of your poetry! Not only is it gorgeous, but it is also always strongly grounded in reality. I get this feeling as I see my parents, the strongest people that I know, getting old and weak before my eyes, and I fear losing them. I am always glad to see your blog posts in my reader here on WordPress.😊

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    1. You’re always so kind, Diana. Thanks a bunch. It’s a wonderful feeling when people connect with my poetry. And I promise you, I’m not giving up on the idea of publishing a book of my poetry. I need to figure out some things first, but it’s still a dream I want to achieve. Thanks as always for your support, my friend. 🙂

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