“The Flower” published at Chewers & Masticadores and Chewers Weekend Magazine

I’m pleased to let you know that my poem “The Flower” has been published at Chewers & Masticadores. Much gratitude goes to Nolcha Fox and her team for publishing this poem and for sharing it with their readers. Many thanks, Nolcha!

My poem has also been featured on Chewers Weekend Magazine, courtesy of Editors Nolcha Fox and J. Re Crivello. So, a big thank you to Nolcha and Juan for hosting my poem at Chewers Weekend Magazine, a humbling honor.

“The Flower”

“A flower grows in distant land
Whose sweet perfume anoints the soul
Whose silken petals soothe the hand
Of he who seeks to understand
And reaches outward to console…”

I’d be honored if you’d read the rest of my poem by clicking this link. Also, be sure to follow and subscribe to Chewers & Masticadores. It’s a wonderful place for those who love writing.

58 thoughts on ““The Flower” published at Chewers & Masticadores and Chewers Weekend Magazine

    1. You’re right, of course. I wrote this for a girl I knew many years ago who was struggling with a lot of problems, and who had a lot of self-hatred. She was so caught up in her personal darkness that she couldn’t see the radiance of her own heart and soul. She was the beautiful flower caught in the rainstorm… I hope she found her sunlight at last. Thanks for the kind comment. I appreciate it. 🙂

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  1. Wonderfully written Mike. So many people don’t recognize their worth. The impact that their lives have on everyone..their fragrance, a sweet perfume that alters moods and lives. We all get caught up is the struggles of life and forget we are the very light in someone else’s dark world.. the flower in their path.
    Lovely stuff Mike. 💙💙🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, Nigel. Thanks for the kind and thoughtful words. You put it perfectly when you said, “We all get caught up in the struggles of life and forget we are the very light in someone else’s dark world…the flower in their path.” May we all be the flowers in the paths of others, and may we recognize our own unique beauty and value. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. rajkkhoja

    “A flower grows in distant land
    Whose sweet perfume anoints the soul
    Whose silken petals soothe the hand
    Of he who seeks to understand
    And reaches outward to console…” so ..so ..very nice words written you in poem. Lovely poem. I enjoy. Thanks my friend. !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your wonderful comment, my friend! I’m happy to know this poem pleased you. Your kindness brings a smile to my face, and I’m grateful to you for that. Have a good weekend! 🙂


    1. Thanks, Ashley, for the kind words. Much appreciated. And thanks also for the link. What a delight it would be to take a stroll through this place! Beautiful display, for sure. 🙂


  3. Pkmundo

    Nice post 💯

    👋🙏 I started following your blog ❤️

    My only goal is to grow together if you also follow my blog. Interacting in our posts.
    I hope you don’t mind the message and I look forward to your response. Thank you 🙏💯 🇪🇦

    David López Moncada.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Diana. This one is sort of an anomaly as far as my poetry goes. I generally don’t write much about hope, but this poem was written out of love for someone who meant everything to me, and despite the inherent sadness and fear involved in that relationship, I had hope and I wanted to share it with her. She did enjoy the poem (written in 2014), and it’s a special one for me. And I suppose it proves that I’m capable of harboring hope now and then, eh? 🙂

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    1. Thanks a bunch, Joan. Yes, life’s “yets” can offer so much hope sometimes, right? And that one word can turn things around so quickly. I’m so pleased you liked this poem. I appreciate your stopping by, my friend. 🙂


    1. Thank you kindly, Peggy. A bit of a departure for me, writing about hope, eh? It was written several years ago for someone I loved. She was struggling with a lot of problems and I wanted to let her know that I saw hope and that she was worthy of love and all good things. It’s such a strange feeling to be filled with both fear and hope at once, to be so afraid for the well-being of your beloved and to try to pull back the curtains of despair to allow the light of hope to shine through. My wish, then and now, is that she finally broke through the clouds of her depression and found herself again. If anyone deserved some happiness, it was her.

      The format is inspired by some of Robert Frost’s work (he’s a big influence on my own writing). I really love structured poetry, and the rhyme scheme and syllabic structure fit this poem perfectly, I think. It has a nice flow to it, and a classic feel. I love Frost’s poetry. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, dear Saima. You’re truly a kind and generous person and you’ve always been so supportive of my writing. I’m so happy you enjoyed this poem. It’s a rare hopeful piece of writing in an otherwise melancholy catalogue of poetry, but I suppose it goes to show that the sun shines on everyone once in a while, eh? I sincerely appreciate your wonderful comment, my friend! 🙂


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