“Sheep Mountain & Daisies”

Sheep Mountain & Daisies, Trout Lake, SW Colorado (c) Mike Utley

I have a deep fondness for Trout Lake, located in southwest Colorado near the small tourist town of Telluride, about an hour from where I live. Early mornings and late evenings create some wonderful reflections of Sheep Mountain. I’ve photographed this location many times in all seasons. This image was made in the late ’90s during one fine summer evening when the sky was a gentle shade of pale blue and the daisies proliferated in abundance. I like the tranquility of this scene as the day’s last light illuminates the mountain, and delicate clouds whisper in the sky. I also like how the diagonal lines present in the foreground flowers act as a counterpoint to the horizontal line of the lake’s far shore. I’m reminded of early morning fishing as a kidβ€”trout jumping after insects on the mirror-smooth surface–and years later, hiking among the trees with my camera as I sought to find peace and purpose in my world. It’s an idyllic place. (Canon gear, Fuji Velvia ISO 50)

40 thoughts on ““Sheep Mountain & Daisies”

    1. I just ran a search on the Kashmir Valley and my goodness, it’s stunningly beautiful. Hard to find words to describe it. It’s magical. The mountains, lakes, rivers and forests are gorgeous! πŸ™‚

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    2. Thanks for the update, Jane. Yep, I love learning about new places, so I end up checking Google when someone mentions a place I’ve never seen. India is beautiful. You’re fortunate to have such wondrous natural places to explore. πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks, Cindy. There were all sorts of wild flowers growing near the lake that day, but only the daisies were close enough to the water for a shot like this. It was like someone spilled a big bottle of multi-colored glitter all over the place, the flowers were so intense! πŸ™‚

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    1. Thanks a bunch, David. It was a pleasant experience making this one, surrounded by flowers and trees and water and those peaks. Trout Lake is set in a bowl among several mountains. I’ve only shown images featuring Sheep Mountain, but to the left of Sheep mountain stand Vermillion Peak, Golden Horn and Pilot Knob, and Lizard Head Peak is nearby. Sheep Mountain lends itself to reflection photography the best, so I have more shots of this mountain than the others. Thanks for your warm support, good sir! πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks, Mark. Yep, those daisies were so cooperative while making this image. No breeze was blowing, so it was a simple shot. The contrast between the delicate flowers and the rugged peaks in the distance is pretty cool, as you mentioned. Fragile beauty and enduring strength. I always appreciate you support. πŸ™‚

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  1. Stunning! I read posts on my cell phone which is a small screen, so without your beautifully descriptive paragraphs accompanying your photos, I might miss a couple of things. I’ve often re-looked after reading and thought, “Whoa, I didn’t catch that — ah, even more wonderful!”

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    1. Thanks so much. It truly means a lot to me that you find these images and paragraphs appealing. I suppose I can’t help but to share a bit of background on the images I post. So many good memories are attached to these photos. I want to spread the peace and quiet of nature with readers and I hope they feel a little bit of what I felt when I made the images. Glad you liked this one. I really appreciate your kindness. πŸ™‚

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  2. A beautiful shot, MIke. I was initially trying to guess whether this was morning or evening. I love your memory of fishing in the early morning and searching for those places of peace and a sense of purpose. I’ve never been to that part of the Rockies. Perhaps sometime in the future I’ll stand on the shores of Trout Lake. ❀

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    1. Thank you, Diana. For a few years in my youth, my family camped overnight at Trout Lake on the July 4th holiday. The early morning and late evening scent of the lake was mesmerizing, and the lazy, casual way the trout breached the water’s surface in search of insects was fascinating. Indescribable calmness. I don’t recall catching many fish, but that was fine with me. Those trips were too few and too far between, so when I rediscovered the lake after I became involved in nature photography, it was a singular joy all over again. It’s been too long since my last visit, and not being able to drive anymore has left any future visits in doubt, even though the lake is only about an hour away. But, I have my photos and my memories. Thanks as always for your wonderful comments.. It means a lot to me. πŸ™‚

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    1. Thanks so much, Simone. Yes, tranquility is exactly what I was going for in this image. It takes me back to the moment I composed this shot, how peaceful and quiet it was, still warm but cooling as the shadows grew long, and how cooperative the scene was, as if begging to be photographed. Fun times. πŸ™‚

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    1. Thank you kindly, Jeff. If you ever find yourself in Telluride, be sure to take a quick jaunt to Trout Lake. Telluride is famous for its annual film festival and bluegrass festival as well as its skiing, and celebrities can be seen walking its streets in all seasons. It has some nice art galleries, too. Thanks for your kind words as always, my friend. πŸ™‚


  3. What a surreal capture! The contrasting lighting and the ruggedness of the mountains framing the delicate nature of the flowers. I like how the flowers are scattered among rocks themselves. Simply awe-inspiring beauty that makes one feel like leaving it all and becoming one with nature. Great picture and words, Mike. Bravo! πŸ™‚

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    1. Thanks so much, Terveen. It is sort of cool how the daisies themselves are growing among the rocks, considering that huge rock lurking the background. Flowers were everywhere that day: daisies, asters, fleabane, Indian paintbrush (in various colors), lupine, mule’s ears, fireweed, columbines, etc. A veritable explosion of color. I, too, like the contrast between the fragile flowers and the rugged rocks. Lots of good memories associated with this photo. Glad you liked it, and your enthusiastic support is so welcome and appreciated. πŸ™‚

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  4. Tranature - quiet moments in nature

    A gorgeous image and scene Mike, I love the composition with the daisies in the foreground and the reflections in the water πŸ’›

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    1. Thanks so much, Xenia. I made two images of this scene: vertical and horizontal. In the horizontal image, the mountain and its reflection took precedence, while in the vertical, the daisies were more prominent. Different personalities for each image. I like both images, but I think I’m more fond of this vertical shot due to the daisies. I always appreciate your kind appraisals and support. πŸ™‚

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  5. This is so amazing photo, Mike..so beautifully captured. One can have a sense of calm and peace; the slight sunshine on the mountains, and the beautiful reflection of mountains and the clouds in the still calm lake.. beyond words. And ofcourse, the beautiful daisies adorned the lake sideπŸ’•

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