“A Tanka Trio (10)”

(c) 2021 by Michael L. Utley


Sere crone winter sheds
Iced waraji at the door
Hangs her hiemal veil
On the windows, frigid laugh
Desecrates the sacred place



Silver-throated winter-borne
Yuki no tori
Huddle in Hokkaido chill
Little clouds alight on branch



Weeping winter’s tears
Cannot cloak in drifts the rift
Between earth and man
Frigid hearts and bitter souls
Bury world in human shame

11 thoughts on ““A Tanka Trio (10)”

    1. Thanks as always, Rhyan. I really enjoy these Japanese short-form techniques. They force me to condense everything down into the bare basics, so it makes it challenging to present a vivid emotional image that will hopefully make the reader ponder these little moments in time. I’ve been stopped in my tracks numerous times by haiku and tanka written by the old masters (Basho, Issa, et al) due to their striking imagery and emotions tucked into these little packages. It’s a feeling of accidentally stumbling upon something profound, and it can be incredibly satisfying. Anyway, thanks again for the kind comment. I appreciate it. πŸ™‚

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